Familia Tomada Browning Family Blog!

24 September 2006

Kick and-a Kick and-a Kick, Kick Kick!

(Espanol aca mas tarde - Spanish coming soon)

My grandmother (Grandmama) used to love to swim with us grandkids when we were younger. Where ever we were, in Wisconsin at the Egg Harbor swimming dock, or in Florida in a pool, she loved to give us "swimming lessons." Mostly we needed to learn to kick, so she had this great little song she sang to get us kicking. We'd get next to each other, put our hands up on the side of the dock/pool and throw our legs up behind us... sing the chant, "kick and-a kick and-a kick, kick, kick!" and of course we kick our little hearts out! It was a great fun song to get us going and want to practice.

The point of that story is, now that little Maia has been starting to kick in Marcela's belly, I've been encouraging her with our little swimming song, so she'll let us know she's there! As we are in bed, I have my hands around Marcela's belly, and I talk to her, telling little Maia what happened that day, or what we'll do when she's out/older. I have also given her several rounds of the "kick, kick, kick" song in hopes she'll bang around and we can feel her! 8-)

It usually works quite well, and it seems like she listens for a while, then gets all engergetic and bounces around some. It's been pretty exciting finally starting to feel her regularly... it really makes everything super real. She's in there, she's okay and she'll be here soon! wow!

Over the last week, she's really proving she's related to Don and George, the musclemen of the family! Marcela has be really feeling Maia kicking and punching and rolling around, it's been waking her up, keeping her from sleep. Sometimes it's so hard she feels like Maia is gonna really be a soccer/futbol player, a ballarina or is practicing krav maga like her dad!

She's 24 weeks now, coming up on 25 this next Thursday... wow, she'll be out soon, somewhere around 9 January and we'll have our new little addition!!! whhoohooo!!!

Anyway, we are super excited to have her on the way. we'll try to keep posting updates, pictures and videos as we can. Love you all, caio!

Panza Grande! - Belly is getting bigger!

05 September 2006

La historia de "Maia" - Marcela explains "Maia"

Queria contarles algunas anécdotas lindas alrededor de la elección del nombre de nuestra hija.

Un día, pensando en la primera ecografía, me acordé que la técnica nos había dicho que se estaba moviendo muchísimo. Yo dije que iba a ser fiestero/a como la madre que adora bailar!. Unos días despues encontré el nombre y se lo dije a Charlie. En ese momento me acordé que una de las bailarinas clásicas más famosas se llama Maia (Maia Plisetskaya). Esto no significaría mucho si no fuera porque la Nonna, la mamá de mi papá era bailarina clásica!
Fue asi que me terminé de enamorar del nombre. Por último la semana pasada Amanda me hizo acordar que cuando yo era chica andaba en puntas de pie para todos lados, y mi otra abuela decía que iba a ser bailarina!! A Charlie le encantó la historia también asi que a partir de ahí ya no hubo dudas que nuestra hija estaba destinada a llamarse Maia.

The story of “Maia”

I would like to tell you the story around the choice of our daughter’s name.

One day I was thinking about the first ultrasound and I remembered that the technician said that the baby was moving a lot. I said that she/he was going to be a boy/girl who loves to dance, just like the mom. I remembered that one of the most famous ballerinas that I knew about and watched as a child, named Maia Plisetskaya. Things started to connect, as my “la Nonna”,(grandmother in Italian) my father’s mother, was a ballerina in Argentina (and Italy we think)! Days later I told Charlie about it.

I really started to fall in love with that name. It commemorates not only a beautiful dancer, but more importantly, my graceful grandmother and my family.

Finally, a friend reminded me that when I was a kid I used to walk on my toes all the time and my other grandmother used to say that I was going to be a ballerina. Charlie loved the story too so after that there was no more doubts that our daughter was destined to be Maia. 8-)


Y se hizo sentir!!!! - We felt her!!!!

Finalmente, despues de semanas de estar con nuestras manos pegadas a mi panza esperando sentirla, la sentimos! Y como!!! Empezó despacito, tan despacito que por un momento pensé que eran ... bue "movimientos digestivos" =). Y de repente empezó una sesión de karate que mamma mia!
Qué semana! Primero enterarnos que es nena y que está todo bien; y ahora empezar a sentirla. Estamos reefelices!
After weeks of having our hands "glued" to my belly, we finally felt her!. She began very slowly, so subtle that we were not quite sure if it was her or not. And all of the sudden she began to kick so strong that it seemed like she was practicing karate!! This was a very exciting week. First we found out that "it" was a "she" and that everything is perfect; and now we begin to feel her. We are really very happy!

04 September 2006

Las primeras fotos de Maia! - Some pix of our little girl Maia

Son de la ecografia de la semana pasada - Our most recent ultrasounds, from just last week.

Su bracito y manito - Her little arm and hand:

De costado, brazo y mano izquierda sobre la cara. Con la otra mano nos está saludando!/On her side, left arm/hand over her face, right arm waving:

Su cabecita (si, ya sé, parece un extraterrestre!) - A little weird image of her melon:

Acá el técnico se tomó el "trabajo" de marcar bien clarito que es una nena! Charlie dice que ésta es la primera y UNICA foto estilo Playboy!! =) - And, as the technician points out, here are her girl parts! We call this her first (and ONLY!!!) Playboy picture 8-)

03 September 2006

Bienvenidos a la pagina de la Familia Tomada Browning! - Welcome to the Tomada Browning Family Blog!

Primero en Español, después en Inglés. First in Spanish, then in English.
Queda asi oficialmente inaugurada la pagina de la Flia. Tomada Browning. Aca van a encontrar historias y fotos varias de Charlie, Marcela y Maia!

Tambien van a poder dejar comentarios (nos encantaria saber que piensan!)

La idea es que de alguna podamos estar mas conectados a pesar de la distancia. Queremos que formen parte de nuestra vida: no hay nada que reemplace a la familia y a los buenos amigos. Son esas personas que no importa cuanto tiempo pase, o a cuantos kilómetros vivamos, o cada cuanto hablemos, siempre van a estar en nuestros corazones, y atravesaremos cielo, tierra y oceanos cuando nos necesitemos.

Los queremos muchisimo. Nuestra vida no seria la misma sin ustedes.

Espero que lo disfruten!

Marcela y Charlie (y Maia!)

We'd like to introduce you to the Tomada Browning’s family blog. You’ll be able to find stories and pics of Charlie, Marcela and Maia!

You’ll also be able to leave comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The idea is to make sure we keep connected, no matter the distance.

We want you to be part of our lives; there is nothing that can replace family and good friends. No matter how much time pass by, or how far we live, or how often we talk, you all will always be in our hearts!!! Across the skies, continents and oceans whenever we need each other.

We love you all very much. Our lives would never be the same without you.

We hope you’ll enjoy it.

Marcela and Charlie (and soon, Maia!)