Maia is here!!! ¡¡¡Maia esta aca!!!
Con GRAN orgullo, Marcela y yo anunciamos el nacimiento de Maia Ruth Tomada Browning
With great fanfare, and a good amount of stress, Maia joined us Tuesday at 6:09pm. She weighed 6 pounds and 11 ounces, was 19 inches long and had a good head of hair! She was a very alert and surprised girl for several hours and was the most beautiful thing we'd ever seen!
We stayed several days in the hospital, were treated very well by the staff, nurses and doctors of Seton Northwest Hospital. Here are a few pictures from the first days of Maia's time with us!
Here is a link to our Flickr photo set! also
Enjoy and shalom!
Con bombos y platillos, y una buena cuota de stress, Maia se unio a nosotros el Martes 23 de enero a las 6:09 pm. Peso casi 3 kilos, midio 47.5 cm mas o menos y vino con un monton de pelo!! =) Fue la cosita mas linda que vimos jamas!
Estuvimos varios dias en el hospital, donde nos trataron muy bien. Aca hay algunas fotos de los primeros dias de Maia con nosotros.
Tambien pueden ir a este link y ver mas (MUCHAS mas!!)
Here is a link to our Flickr photo set!
Que las disfruten!